See The Emotional Charm And Benefits Of Film Enjoyment

By Clinton Carlson

Motion pictures have been around for decades but it has only been in the past 30 years that we have been able to observe motion pictures at home. There are millions and millions of videos/DVD's etc. bought and rented in America every month but now it can be even easier because it is now feasible to download movies at once to your computer right from your dwelling.

Knocked Up - A drunken, one-night-stand encounter between young, nice-looking go-getter Allison,, and a messy slacker, Ben, changes the tracks their lives are on. It turns out he didn't utilize the condom, and she is pregnant. Can these two in fact become a couple and raise a child together?

A Little Sex - This motion picture is essentially an R-rated Television-film, with Matheson wedding long-time girlfriend Capshaw hoping it can cure him of his inclination of chasing women. Cast includes Tim Matheson, Kate Capshaw, Edward Herrmann, John Glover, Joan Copeland, Susanna Dalton, Wendie Malick, Wallace Shawn, Melinda Culea, and Bill Smitrovich. (95 minutes,'82)

Seaside Players - Cast includes John Leyton, Mike Same, Freddie and The Dreamers, Ron Moody, and Liz Fraser. Group of adolescents performing at seaside resort dispose for a talent competition which is to be the highlight of the summer season. (94 minutes,'65)

Seize the Day - Williams is outstanding as Tommy Wilhelm, turning 40 and a disappointment by any standard, he is insolvent, damaged and despondent for love. Wiseman and Stiller offer fine assistance as his cold hearted dad and a con man he naively believes in. Lots of familiar faces in tiny roles - Tony Roberts, Richard Shull, John Fiedler, Jo Van Fleet, William Hickey, Eileen Heckart, and numerous others. Cast includes Robin Williams, Joseph Wiseman, Jerry Stiller, and Glenne Headly. (93 minutes,'86)

The Gene Krupa Story - Ordinary version of awesome jazz drummer's life, his ups and downs, and his fight with pill dependency Cast includes Don Weis, Sal Mineo, Susan Kohner, James Darren, Susan Oliver, Yvonne Craig, Lawrence Dobkin, Red Nichols, and Buddy Lester. (101 minutes,'59)

The Choirboys - Allegedly joke adventures of LA. Cops who reduce work pressures by bawdy doings. This is a Foul-mouthed, foul-minded, heavy handed film from book by Joseph Wambaugh, who disavowed this turkey. Cast includes Charles Durning, Louis Gossett, Jr., Perry Baron, Clyde Kusatsu, Stephen Macht, Tim McIntire, Randy Quaid, Don Stroud, and James Woods. (119 minutes,'77)

Take pleasure in a movie apprehend that you are doing yourself a good turn. You can enjoy yourself in some calm downtime while allowing yourself a much-needed escape. Take some time away from your life and difficulties and engross yourself in someone else's storyline while you are learning about the world. It is really no surprise that films are almost everyone's preferred source of entertainment. - 29968

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