Maybe you're a fan of Flea of the Chili Peppers, or Sting, or Paul McCartney. Bass can be almost as prestigious as drums, the bass is more important to a bands sound than the drums are. Drums set the tempo, but bass truly sets the groove of the song. It's both rhythmic and melodic.
Take a regular guitar (which is tuned from the thickest to the lowest string- E - A - D - G - B - E) and exclude the two thinnest strings at the bottom and what is left is basically a bass guitar with thinner strings. Bass playing is usually note-oriented and not chord-oriented. This means that single notes are hit more often in bass playing and this scheme is the essential element of bass playing, one should be familiar with the tunings and the notes in a regular guitar to be able to decently play the bass guitar.
Whatever your reasons, you want to learn how to play bass. You don't have to go to music school to do this. You can take online bass guitar lessons. You don't even need a bass guitar to start out with. Any acoustic guitar will do, since the top four strings of any guitar are the four strings of a bass guitar. What you learn on an acoustic guitar you can then transfer to bass.
A simpler setup would be to connect your bass guitar to the input of a direct injection box, which offers a different, rounder character compared to the crisp sound that you get from micing up a bass amplifier. There are a multitude of active and passive DI boxes to choose from, so try them out at the local guitar shop to see which one appeals to you the most.
Learning how to solo on bass guitar is very fun. Just about anyone can pull off a cool solo on guitar but a bass player must pay more attention to detail to play a pleasant solo on bass. There are many reasons that make it more difficult. If you learn the problems with soloing on bass, then you can conquer them and show the world that bass players can lay down a sweet solo just like a guitar player! I am going to share with you everything I know about how to solo on bass guitar!
In struggling simply to get out the notes, though, it's easy to neglect developing these small muscles. The result can be a great deal of wasted energy and motion, limiting one's technique. So here are some of the do's and don't's of hand position (the advice here is for righties; if you're left-handed, adjust accordingly):
The next link in the chain would be the choice of bass guitar. A $10 flea market bought bass would sound radically different from a $1000 Warwick, so choose which one suits the music wisely. Choice of strings (roundwound, flatwound, etc) also influences the resulting sound and character of the bass, as well as its behavior in interacting with the bassist's fingers.
Learning your bass patterns from alternate views of music theory and fretboard theory will result in a large impact on your bass playing skill, which is what being a great bass player is all about. For example traditional patterns, modern patterns, in position and out of position patterns need to be an integral part of your bass lessons. - 29968
Take a regular guitar (which is tuned from the thickest to the lowest string- E - A - D - G - B - E) and exclude the two thinnest strings at the bottom and what is left is basically a bass guitar with thinner strings. Bass playing is usually note-oriented and not chord-oriented. This means that single notes are hit more often in bass playing and this scheme is the essential element of bass playing, one should be familiar with the tunings and the notes in a regular guitar to be able to decently play the bass guitar.
Whatever your reasons, you want to learn how to play bass. You don't have to go to music school to do this. You can take online bass guitar lessons. You don't even need a bass guitar to start out with. Any acoustic guitar will do, since the top four strings of any guitar are the four strings of a bass guitar. What you learn on an acoustic guitar you can then transfer to bass.
A simpler setup would be to connect your bass guitar to the input of a direct injection box, which offers a different, rounder character compared to the crisp sound that you get from micing up a bass amplifier. There are a multitude of active and passive DI boxes to choose from, so try them out at the local guitar shop to see which one appeals to you the most.
Learning how to solo on bass guitar is very fun. Just about anyone can pull off a cool solo on guitar but a bass player must pay more attention to detail to play a pleasant solo on bass. There are many reasons that make it more difficult. If you learn the problems with soloing on bass, then you can conquer them and show the world that bass players can lay down a sweet solo just like a guitar player! I am going to share with you everything I know about how to solo on bass guitar!
In struggling simply to get out the notes, though, it's easy to neglect developing these small muscles. The result can be a great deal of wasted energy and motion, limiting one's technique. So here are some of the do's and don't's of hand position (the advice here is for righties; if you're left-handed, adjust accordingly):
The next link in the chain would be the choice of bass guitar. A $10 flea market bought bass would sound radically different from a $1000 Warwick, so choose which one suits the music wisely. Choice of strings (roundwound, flatwound, etc) also influences the resulting sound and character of the bass, as well as its behavior in interacting with the bassist's fingers.
Learning your bass patterns from alternate views of music theory and fretboard theory will result in a large impact on your bass playing skill, which is what being a great bass player is all about. For example traditional patterns, modern patterns, in position and out of position patterns need to be an integral part of your bass lessons. - 29968
About the Author:
To get all the latest tips, tricks, and tactics about funk bass lessons, be sure to visit us at online bass lessons